Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Women Find Certainty Attractive

Women Find Certainty Attractive

Why is this? Well over thousands of years they have determined that guys who project this are much more likely to be able to provide them with safety and safety is what women want from men.

If a man says something as if it were the case a woman will often agree with him even if she actually disagrees or even change her mind because thousands of years of evolution has told her to do so. It is just the way it is. You can ask for her opinion but keep in mind that this doesn't help create attraction but if you're not interested in her being attracted to you then go ahead and let your opinion be formed by her opinion.

Don't get me wrong, by asking her about something you're signaling to her that you might be interested but she must be able to tell that you already have your opinion formed and you're wondering what her opinion is. Essentially you're saying that you're attracted to her, or at least you might be interested. It's just what women find attractive.

Just one of the many tips for flirting with women.

Think about it!

Women Find Certainty Attractive

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hottest Women in World

Tips for Flirting

Some of the hottest women in the world can be found outside the United States. But these women are the province of those willing to travel. So, you see, you must have a sense of adventure if you want to find some of the worlds hottest women.

Here are the top countries for finding women abroad.

  • Argentina
  • The Former Country of Russia
  • Venezuela
You don't need to make a lot of money and you don't need to speak the language. Just pick up the book The Four Hour Work Week and get prepped to travel.

But you'll have to be prepared to discover yourself in these countries because adventure abroad brings out the best in men.

Hottest women in the world
Tips for Flirting

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ways to Ask Girl Out

Ways to Ask Girl Out

Every girl wants to be asked out in a way they will remember. They want to be the object of attention for a cute, fun guy and approached with confidence and a little bit of cockiness. In order to ask girls out in this way guys have to get into the habit of talking to girls in a cocky and confident way.

There are several factors that come into play when talking to women in this way. You want to have a good idea of what you're talking about and talk with an air of authority but at the same time you want to be open to hearing her opinion as well. When asking a girl out a guy should always ensure he's on the proper footing by talking small talk before asking the big question.

This means finding out how she's been and what she is up to. This is what women find attractive. Maybe, if the circumstances permit, also find out a little about what her dreams and aspirations are. Women are very interested in talking about themselves if they feel comfortable. Your job is to make them feel comfortable and so they can open up to you and build a connection in their mind. They want to know you're a strong man but also someone they can consider a friend in the future.

Then after you've talked about other things and she's comfortable then you can ask her out. Suggest something you can do as a date, something that is obviously a date. Dinner is a great example because if she says yes she is aware it's a date. If you ask her for coffee or to go see a show she may just assume that you want to do something with her as a friend.

Ways to ask girl out and what women find attractive are often the same thing. Look for clues as to how you're doing from her body language. If she puts a hand on you then she is definitely interested.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Women Find Attractive

What Women Find Attractive... is in the details.

Women are strange and magical creatures. They have everything that causes us to desire them and also everything that drives us crazy! But we love those moments when they are so into us that they want to do anything for us. We love those moments. We work for them and want them to happen!

We work for the moment, but that moment starts when we say, "hello" to a girl. Maybe she smiles and responds without much interest but we press on. She's probably just doesn't realize that you're into her. So you signal that to her by continuing the conversation.

We've started in a great way. If she likes us. But we have to keep things going. Sometimes what we say and ask works out and sometimes it causes us to go down in flames. That's what makes women so magical... we don't know for sure what causes what! But we try and go for the "on" switch so we can get to know her and maybe take the connection to the next level.

Lets go over the best 4 ways to make that happen.

1. She should feel special. This means talking about what she likes to talk about. Discovering what's interesting to her. Learning about how she got to the place she's at and where she wants to be in the future. Who doesn't like to talk about themselves? But you have to find it interesting. So figure out what about her scrap booking hobby you like and then say that you like it. That's what women find attractive.

2. Make sure you're comfortable in your surroundings. It will show. If you don't read and you're in the book store just to meet girls she will be able to tell from your body language and she will feel LESS attracted to you. Instead, go to the bookstore a few times and check out your favorite things. Learn where the car magazines are, or the classics, or the building porches guides so you feel comfortable there.

3. Keep your sense of humor running strong! Women love funny. They live for funny. So if you're the guy that can keep them laughing then you're the guy for them. No one knows why women find funny guys so attractive but they do... so polish up your wit and keep things going. No one wants to hang out with a guy that wants to wallow in

4. Don't try to skip steps. You know what they are. What women find attractive is a guy who knows the steps and makes her feel special by following them. Talk to her, listen to her, seduce her before you try to jump in bed with her. A woman wants to know you like her for her mind before you like her for her body.

This is What Women Find Attractive