Friday, October 16, 2009

3 Best Ways to Make a Girl Comfortable (flirting)

If you're wondering what that girl's thinking that's sitting across from you in Starbucks you're probably in for a surprise. Women are never thinking what guys might assume... except when they are talking to a guy they are really interested in. Let's say the Starbucks is busy and she's reading a book, something for class with lots of respect tied up... you know, with Strong Identity attached to the name. Maybe it's Psychology or Women's Communications or Shakespear's greatest deaths or whatever...

Thing is she's into it. She looks up, you make eye contact and then she quickly looks down again. What to do then? What is she thinking? She's thinking a lot of things. Hoping you don't come over and talk to her, hoping if you do that you're not weird and if you're weird that you won't stay long.

Here's how you overcome those three situations.

#1. When you first start a converation with a girl she's wondering how she can get rid of you... she just doesn't know if she's going to like you so habit tells her to get ready to blow you off... it's just habit.

Destroy that idea fast! How!? Tell her you have to go and then start the conversation. "I have to get going but" "I have to go meet my friends but" "I have to meet some people but" "I have to get back to my friends, but"

Get it? Now she doesn't have to worry about getting rid of you.

#2. Next she's hoping you're not weird. How do you seem like you're not weird? Don't face her with your body, keep it turned away at some angle with only your head turned toward her, almost as if you're about to leave. Weird people hover, cool people have somewhere to go... now!

#3. Now she's wondering exactly when you're going to leave with half her brain and with the other half she's listening to whatever you're saying... whatever opinion you ask of her be sure to NOT agree with her answer. Then tease her for it! Then tell her it's silly!

Boom! You got it! These work. Follow them. Flirting made easy.